Adding to the email

Hi Folks

We wanted to offer an alternative way for the club to get in touch with you regarding news and information. If you want a way of us notifying you on your phones, in the same sort of way as Text or Whats App now there is a way!

Its called Slack and here is how to get on it

1) Email and ask for an invite, stating who you are and what your interest is - IE Senior, Junior or Nipper Parent 

We will then email you a link back inviting you to Slack that will look something like this:

2) So sign into your email and then Click the 'Join team' Link

3) You will then be asked to Enter you surname and forename and pick a username for the Team, then click next

4) Lastly choose a password to go with this and choose 'Join Team', after a short tutorial you will then be in the Web View of Slack! Well done you are almost finished. Now you need to install the App on your phone/tablet or computer (or all 3 if you want)



5)  Visit your store

Android : Link

iOS link 

and download the app. Its free!

6) Open your newly installed app and sign in to the mumbles lifeguard team: You will be asked for the team name : Which is mumbleslifeguardclub, then the email address you signed up with then your password. 




Thats it, you are in and we can push notifications to you, send us a cheery message once you are in!

Get in touch with us if you have any problems!



MLC Coaches