Dear Members
A few important messages before we start the new season on the beach, and while we still have a little bit of winter training left. Please do have a read of this email as there are some important dates to take note of and some changes for you to be aware of:
1) Due to some issues with behavior during training sessions we are having to take some steps to address this on both the beach and at the pool, we want to emphasise the point of this is ultimately for the safety of your children.
2) In the pool
- If you are not with your group by the time that warm up is complete you will NOT be allowed to swim (10 minutes after the scheduled start).
- Coaches will issue 2 warnings about behavior to the children, if there had to be a third they will be asked to leave the pool immediately.
- Each child must have a responsible adult with them who remains poolside side AT ALL TIMES
- Can you please ensure that everyone who attends pool training has both fins and goggles - This applies to ALL age groups.
3) At the Beach:
- All nippers/juniors must REGISTER before training and sign out at the end. Each nipper will be issued with a wrist band.
- For nippers a responsible adult will MUST return the registration band beach side. It will not be accepted from the nipper.
- Each child must have a responsible adult with them who remains at the beach AT ALL TIMES
- Beach equipment: wetsuit, goggles, rash vest and MLC swim hat and trainers.
- If you are not on the beach by the time warm up ends you will NOT be allowed to train.
- For juniors ensure that you sign out.
- There will be a sign out log for Skis and Paddles starting this summer
4) The club AGM will be on the 29th April at 17:00 in Uplands Rugby Club
• Please do try and attend. The club needs your input. It matters
5) We are having to freeze recruitment of Nippers to 10 per age group as we need more coaches who can commit to being in the sea AND on poolside on a regular basis. Training will be given, and you won’t just suddenly be given a load of responsibility. Please step forward - Your club needs you!
6) There will be an Easter egg hunt on the 1st of April for the nippers at 11AM by the slipway as Caswell, please come along.
7) Winter Training:
- For Juniors ONLY, winter pool training has been extended until the 6th of May.
- For Nippers, the pool is now finished, we will now work towards awards therefore there will be dry training sessions instead at Swansea Uplands Rugby Club. Further information will be sent shortly.
8) We will be back in the sea on 20th of May for all age groups
9) All parent helpers have to be DBS checked. SLSA want risk assessments of Lifeguard training and we will be assessed this means that if there are not enough qualified helpers on the beach, children will not be able to swim on the beach.
Apologies for this information blitz but there are some important issues to notify you about. Please do come along to the AGM to discuss these points and other issues about the club on the 29th of April
AGM: 29th April at 17:00 in Uplands Rugby Club – Please Attend
Back in the sea: 20th of May
The code of conduct will be enforced
MLC Committee