Autumn News

25 Years of MLC

It’s the clubs 25th Anniversary this year! To celebrate this we will be having a social get-together on Friday 22nd October 2021 at Uplands RFC. Tickets will be £5 per person (curry included). It will be a lovely fun evening to get together to celebrate 25 years of the great contributions you all have made to making this such a great club.

Tickets can be bought at beach or pool sessions, up to October 18th. Cash only

We look forward to seeing you all there on the 22nd

Return to Pool Training 26th of September

The Schedule for Pool training can be seen here

2009 members will have the choice to train on Monday or Tuesday evening but not both!

A Request…

In our 25th year we have much to celebrate, one thing that we don’t have however, is a club house, there have been a few ideas over the years but nothing has come to fruition! We would like to ask any members of the club who are architects, designers, builders or planners to come forward with any ideas that they have about a clubhouse somewhere in Caswell!. By all means email us or approach one of the committee on the beach!